Monday, December 12, 2011

Notes on Giants-Cowboys

I’m real excited about the Giants beating the Cowboys last night so why not start up the blog again. Here are some notes on the game last night.

Eli Manning- How many high difficulty throws did this guy make with the game on the line? He’s going to make 1-2 stupid throws a game but nobody has been better with the game on the line this year. Whether you like or dislike Eli you can’t deny he’s playing at an MVP level this year.

Defense- These teams are pretty much exactly the same on the defensive side of the ball. If they can’t put pressure on the quarterback they just get torched. Outside of Jason Pierre Paul I don’t think another defender for either team had even an average game. It was that bad.

JPP- Speaking of Jason Pierre Paul, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a defensive end be an ENTIRE defense like that. He had 8 tackles, a forced fumble, 2 sacks, a safety, and a blocked field goal. Ladies and gentleman, here’s your NFC Defensive Player of the Week. The scary part about JPP is that he’s just learning how to play football.

Justin Tuck- On the other side of JPP and having just about the exact opposite game was Justin Tuck. It might be a bit rash but the Giants have to consider playing Tuck less. He looks out of shape and he isn’t contributing against the pass or the run right now. He used to be a guy known for his motor but Tuck seems to shut it down on half the plays he’s in on now. Not sure if he’s hurt, out of shape, or done but clearly Justin Tuck isn’t right.

Rob Ryan- Can we stop showing this guy before/after every play? What has he done to deserve this kind of coverage? I’m not sure whether the constant coverage is just because he looks like a werewolf or if there’s something I’m missing here. Also, how did he not know the Giants were going to run a draw for the 2 point conversion? They ran the same play last week in the same exact situation. Who on the planet DIDN’T know the Giants were running a draw there?

DJ Ware- Why do the Giants insist on running draws and screens for this guy? Why is he even on the team? What does he do well? I don’t get it. 

Collinsworth Praising Terrence Newman- For some inexplicable reason Collinsworth in the early 4th quarter praised the way Terrence Newman had been playing. I guess if getting burned over and over again is worth praise then Newman deserved it.