Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Troy Aikman is an Idiot

Alright, so you probably already realize that Joe Buck and Troy Aikman are one of the worst announcing teams ever. Joe Buck has such a dry and elitist tone to his announcing that it's really unbelievable that he announces every big game on Fox. Troy Aikman is no better and some of the stuff he says makes me think he has serious brain trauma from the amount of concussions he's received. Normally I wouldn’t comment on his inepitude but at the end of the first half in the Giants-Vikings game he even managed to amaze me with his stupidity.
The Giants had the ball on the Vikings two yardline and there was thirteen seconds to go in the half. It was second down and the giants had no time outs and Aikman suggested that maybe the Giants should consider running the football. Obviously, this is a stupid decision because if the Giants run and fail to get into the endzone time would expire, and they would not have an opportunity to kick a field goal. This is an obvious football decision, you throw the ball twice and if you don’t get in, you settle for a field goal.
The Giants threw the ball as any competantly coached football team would in this situation and the result was an incomplete pass. Aikman, still convinced that running the ball was a viable option, again stated that he wouldn’t be surprised if the Giants ran the ball. It would have been a stupid decision on second down and still would have been an obviously stupid decision on third down.
The Giants were then called for a foul start penalty putting them around the six yardline and Aikman still suggested the Giants could run the ball here and that he had seen them do it in this kind of situation before. Really? I find this statement quite surprising considering I’ve seen every Giants game in the past several years and do not remember a single circumstance when they did this. I’m also sure I would have remembered it because I’d most certainly be bitching about it if it did happen!
I mean what the hell is Troy Aikman talking about here? The Giants of course passed the ball in the end zone for a touchdown as every other team in the NFL not coached by Andy Reid would have done. This is a Hall of Fame quarterback and he really doesn't know the situation here? Also, shame on you Joe Buck for not telling him, “Hey Troy you sound like an idiot here.” It was one of the craziest rants I’ve heard in recent memory and even after the Giants scored the touchdown, he was still surprised they didn’t run.
I guess this is the kind of coverage we get from announcers making millions of dollars a year. I think they purposely put nearly retarded broadcasters alongside Joe Buck so he seems intelligent and knowledgable about the games he covers. Come on Fox we deserve better analysis than this.


  1. I could not agree with you more. Just a horrible colour guy. He jumps on guys for little mistakes especially if you are not a star player. He needs to go!

  2. I totaly agree with Troy has always had trouble with his football commentary,he thinks he's a great football guy but listening to his comments really makes it hard to even watch the game.
