Friday, April 8, 2011

Call of Duty Fucking Sucks

This is supposed to be somewhat a golden age for videogames. There are three consoles that all have perks and supposedly the next big videogame innovation with motion control. However, while we’ve upgraded our televisions to HD and 3D and use a motion sensitive controller or ourselves as a controller now, the games we play have stayed almost identical. The most blatant example of this is the Call of Duty franchise, which has set the standard in being total crap.

I know this kind of talk gets COD fans furious and I’ll agree with them that Call of Duty 4 was a pretty sweet game. This was mainly because of its innovative multiplayer, not because it was remotely innovative anywhere else, i.e. see the bajillion other first person shooters or the previous iterations of the series. Now after Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty 4: World War II, Call of Duty 4: Again, and now Call of Duty 4: Cold War, I’m officially spent with this series. Activision couldn’t manage to remotely change the game play from any of these editions? I think adding a mode where you shoot zombies was about the biggest change from game to game and this itself was ripped from another game series.  Also, don’t you think we’ve reached the quota on how many games you can charge people 60 dollars for that involve killing zombies?

The current reiteration of Call of Duty 4 is called Black Ops but I’m not really sure why. I refer to it as Cold War because killing everything in sight during the Cold War is not what I’d call covert or secretive. The title implies that it is something different but it’s really the same shoot everything illogical pile of garbage. Unfortunately, this repetitive and uncreative game is the best selling game in the history of United States videogames.

Maybe I’m missing something here, but did or did not Activision release the same game with a new setting, a new unacceptably short and illogical campaign, and a slightly tweaked multiplayer 4 times with higher sales numbers each time? It’s unbelievable and the worst part is because these games are selling so well companies are copying Call of Duty’s shitty and uninventive format so they can get a bit of these stupid American’s cash.

Maybe it’s just that I’m tired of virtually shooting things for no reason or maybe it has to do with the uncivil people you have to deal with on Xbox Live. Either way, I’m sick of paying 60 dollars for a game that clearly doesn’t have a single bit of creativity put into it and won’t be purchasing Call of Duty 4: Again 3 when it comes out this fall. I recommend you think about doing the same, or at least think at all at some point in your lives because god knows a lot of Call of Duty fans could benefit from some thought once in a while.

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