Friday, September 9, 2011

Plaxico Burress and the "evil" New York Giants

We have football in just a few days and the top story on ESPN New York is about Plaxico Burress ripping his former team and its’ fans. His reasons for this are because the Giants didn’t treat him properly after he shot himself in the leg and removed himself from the Giants roster. The worst part of this entire situation is that Eli Manning and the rest of the Giants are actually taking criticism from the media and idiots like Stephen A. Smith about how they handled this situation.

Let me start this off by saying the Giants do not owe Burress anything. They paid him millions of dollars and in the midst of a playoff run, he shot himself in the leg. This created an enormous distraction for his team and he wound up in jail. Now he’s complaining Eli Manning didn’t visit him in prison and that Tom Coughlin was mean to him after it happened. I mean this is stuff we should be rolling our collective eyes at but instead it’s “top news.”

Are you freaking kidding me Plax? I know you’re trying to say you were Eli’s biggest supporter now but I clearly remember when you were publicly bashing his play the years leading up to the Super Bowl run. I’m sorry Eli hurt your feelings not visiting you but I know there wasn’t much love between you guys to begin with and you sabotaged his season. What the hell do you expect? The idea that Eli Manning should’ve done anything besides go about his business and be a professional is absolutely ridiculous.

Seriously, I know we love this story of redemption and we want to show that Burress was somehow kicked down by everyone instead of actually shitting all over himself, but we’re taking it a little far when we start criticizing professionals like Eli Manning and Tom Coughlin. I mean Burress didn’t like that Coughlin didn’t treat him with respect after he put himself before the team and shot himself? It’s Tom Fucking Coughlin! Did you expect him to be understanding about this situation?

Where in the blue hell was this media when Burress originally shot himself and got a RIDICULOUS prison sentence he didn’t deserve? Where was and where is the criticism of Bloomberg for making all this happen? No one defended Burress then, but now we want to spin this huge revival comeback story so we need the arch villains to be the New York Giants. This is so ridiculous because the Giants are such a professional organization that it works to their own detriment at times. They sat by and let Tiki Barber, Jeremy Shockey, and now Plaxico Burress just rip up their guys and they don’t respond because they always take the high road.

If you really think that Burress was mistreated by the Giants then you’re an idiot. This franchise did nothing but put up with him sitting out practices and games while he publicly bashed his own teammates and coach. Yeah, he was a force on the field and was awesome in the NFC Championship game vs. the Packers, but this is no reason for the Giants to treat a guy with respect who clearly didn’t treat them with any respect during his tenure. So while Plax bitches about us Giants fans not having his back during this maybe he should think about the constant disrespect and bullshit he always showed us as a player for our team.

I know post Michael Vick comeback the media dying for another prison to superstar revival story and wants to make the Giants the antagonists in this one but the fact is they are not. I don’t care how we celebrate Burress’ come back but let’s not act like the Giants are the bad guys here. With that said, let’s just talk about football.

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