Monday, July 23, 2012

Who is the NCAA really punishing?

I really haven’t had much of an opinion on anything that’s happened at Penn State thus far from the Sandusky allegations to the punishment handed out today from the NCAA. I didn’t know the details and it’s simply not my place to ignorantly stick my nose where it doesn’t belong. It’s also not the easiest subject to write and talk about.

However, in the wake of the punishment issued today by the NCAA, I just have to say I feel terrible for the students, fans, athletes, coaches, faculty, and anybody associated with Penn State who absolutely do not deserved to be punished for this.

The punishment is as follows:
  • $60 million fine
  • Vacation of wins from 1998-2011 (112 wins)
  • Four-year postseason ban
  • Players may transfer and play immediately at other school
  • Athletic department on probation for five year
  • Joe Paterno record now 298-136-3; fifth on FBS all-time list

*Information provided via ESPN.

Nobody can condone any actions taken surrounding the cover up of Jerry Sandusky but Penn State is far more than just its football coaches and administrators. I don’t see how this is fair to all the players who worked their butts off for those 112 wins or all the fans who were there every step of the way. This is basically a death sentence for Penn State’s football program without technically calling it that. This program means so much to so many people and those are the people who ultimately affected by this decision.

If you’re a player currently on Penn State do you really want to not be eligible to play in a bowl game your entire career at the University? If you were a player interested in playing there would you still want to go to Penn State knowing the same thing? College football is so competitive that being away from serious recruiting and bowl competition is a serious detriment to the program. Does the NCAA have the right to set back this football program at least a half decade but probably longer?

Fine and fire the administrators, get rid of anyone associated with covering these heinous acts, and take down the Joe Paterno statue if you must, but what does punishing those currently associated with Penn State do? Are we basically saying Penn State and its millions of fans don’t deserve to have a competitive football program because these guys committed a horrible crime? Let’s also remember that only one man has been convicted of anything and the rest of these punishments are based of an FBI investigation and allegations. I’m not arguing the validity of the investigation but this punishment did not come from a court of law or give Penn State any due process.

Why do we need to punish people currently associated with Penn State because of a few men in the past? What right do a bunch of people outside of the Penn State community have passing judgement and putting pressure on what Penn State should do? This should not be a national affair, this should be a Penn State affair, and it sickens me the way the national media feels they should be involved in their affairs. If Penn State wants to tear down a statute or rename a library, let them do it, but if they don't stay the hell out of their business.

The students, fans, athletes, and the majority of the football program were unaware of these things happening. They did not commit a crime and the only thing they are guilty of is being somehow associated with one of the best athletic schools in the nation. The punishment may fit the crime but those who are ultimately being punished had nothing to do with that crime. In my opinion, that’s completely unfair. My heart goes out to anyone associated with Penn State on this sad day.

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